Why All Calories Are Not the Same

Why All Calories Are Not the Same

Robert Lustig, MD, explains why all calories are not created equal. Cutting-edge experts say the “calories in, calories out” philosophy is oversimplified and inadequate. Quality of calories determines the quantity your body burns or stores, says Robert Lustig, MD, author of the recently published book Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, … Read more

Avocado honey moisturizer for perfect skin

Avocado Honey Moisturizer for Amazing Skin

A moisturizer is an anti-aging must. By helping your skin retain moisture and acting as a temporary filler for wrinkles, it makes your complexion look smooth. Dr. Ordon says that his patients love this recipe because it makes their skin look and feel dewy, and youthful. Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of … Read more