Eid-Ul-Adha Towards Meat’s Overness

Eid ul-Adha; The Festival of the Sacrifice is one of two major Islamic celebrations and takes place on the Islamic month Dhul-Hijjah, in which millions of Muslims from around the world make an annual pilgrimage to Makkah in order to worship Allah and to commemorate the willingness of the Prophet Abraham (PBUH) to sacrifice his son Ishmael in response to a command from God.

Satisfied with Abraham’s devotion, God replaced Ishmael with a sheep at the last second, and the sheep was slaughtered instead. While pilgrims in Makkah re-enact this scene by slaughtering sheep of their own, Muslims who can afford it in the rest of the world also participate in this rite by slaughtering sheep, camels and cows.

During the celebration of Eid al-Adha, Muslims commemorate and remember Abraham’s trials, by themselves slaughtering an animal Allah has given us power over animals and allowed us to eat meat. That is why Muslims slaughter animals by saying the name of Allah at the time of slaughtering. And give charity to the poor and impoverished by making contributions and distributing meat for Allah.

These acts certainly spread happiness and good cheer amongst so many individuals and their families, especially during the festival of Eid-ul-Adha where Muslims are in the spirit of celebrations.

The meat from the sacrifice of Eid al-Adha is mostly given away to others. One-third is eaten by immediate family and relatives, one-third is given away to friends, and one-third is donated to the poor.

“It is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah; it is your piety that reaches Him.” (Qur’an 22:37)

But the problem is that we aren’t obeying the rule of Islam in order to distribute the meat of slaughter. We distribute slaughter meat among those, who are our relatives and friends. We do not distributed meat among those who really deserve it.

Another going wrong process is that we save the meat of slaughter in our deep freezer and pass our three to four months after Eid with saving meat and without buying Meat from outdoor. We spent our Big time with saving meat and in this big time we eat a lot of meat which we can say meat overness cause several serious diseases.

Would it be heretical to suggest that instead of sacrificing animals and overeating meat for several days, pious Muslims should donate money to help poor people undergo some simple eye operations that will save or restore their sight, or do some other good deed that will bring joy to the lives of those who are deprived of decent living conditions?

There is no longer any doubt about the fact that over eating meat is bad for your health. Similarly if meat is a good item for our health, same as its overness is harmful for our health.
Let’s talk about the Disadvantages of incessantly eating of Meat during Eid days:

Eating beef and mutton applies to most human daily lives.

However, to what extent the advantages and disadvantages of eating meat influence us? Incessantly meat eating not only affects our health; it also has an effect on the environment, the morals, and the economies. Meat contains a rich variety of nutrients like protein, vitamin B, iron and calories. These are important elements which contribute to a healthy body.

Nevertheless, consuming too much meat would give a side effect. This could include heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity. In fast food restaurants and Bar-b-que parties at home during Eid days, they tend to include meat in most of their menus and this brings a great danger of obesity. Therefore in the Pakistan, where the Bar-b-que parties during Eid days are most popular, the popularity of obesity.

Meat in small amounts is not only useful, but is absolutely necessary for growing children. For these, especially at the age of puberty, when the growth is stimulated, large amounts of albumin are necessary, in order to meet the requirements of the organism in regard to this substance.
Moreover, a whole series of organs among the most important of our bodies, as the glands of internal secretion and the brain,-in fact, all the glandular organs,-consist largely of nucleins; they are the tissues of the body most rich in this substance. The greatest quantity of and the most rapidly assimilated nucleins are at our disposal in animal food, especially in the form of meat rich in nuclein, such as glandular organs, sweetbreads, liver, and kidneys, for instance.
Eating meat may be taboo for some people. Although meat is not always harmful for our health, but for the sake of health it is better for us not to eat meat too much.

Here are some benefits of eating meat for health, according to Buzzle:
Meat is a rich source of protein, which is needed by the body in very high quantities. Proteins play an important role for various body functions, including development, tissue repair and formation of antibodies that fight infections.
Meat contains a number of minerals, especially rich in iron, zinc and selenium. The body needs iron to form hemoglobin necessary for transporting oxygen from the lungs to other body parts.
Vitamins which are most prominent in meat are vitamin A, B complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12) and D.
Vitamin A promotes good vision, support the development of bones and teeth and maintaining healthy skin.
Vitamin B supports the central nervous system and improving mental health.
And vitamin D to increase calcium and phosphorus, which in turn maintain healthy bones and teeth.
Fatty acids in meat are linoleic acid and palmiotelik. These fats can prevent the body from cancer and harmful viruses. The body also needs fat for brain development.
But, besides the benefits above, eating meat without balancing could be harmful for health.
Over eating Meat not only affects our health; it also has an effect on the environment, the morals, and the economies.

Just remember that eating meat “regularly is good for our health” because it supplies some of the essential nutrients that our body needs, but if you eat too much of it, of course there are some disadvantages which I will enumerate some of them below.

Here are some disfavors of eating a lot of meat:
Meat contains no fiber
Fiber helps the digestive system in the body. Without fiber, the body is at high risk of certain diseases such as cancer and heart problems. That’s why the people, who eat meat without balanced incessantly during Eid with other healthy lifestyle, are at high risk of cancer.
High saturated fat
Saturated fat, of course is not good for health. This is the main enemy for the blood vessels and heart. Over eating meat impairs the heart’s ability to do its job. Meat and dairy products are high in cholesterol and saturated fat. As these fatty substances, or “plaques,” build up inside the walls of arteries, blood flow to all areas of the body is impeded. This artery damage is called atherosclerosis. The result, many people have cardiovascular disease because of the habit of eating meat. Avoiding over eating meat is one of the best and simplest ways to cut down your fat consumption. Those who still eat beef are, in my view, foolishly exposing themselves to the risk of contracting the horrifying human version of Mad Cow Disease.
High in nitrate and salt
Processed meats such as bacon, hot dogs, ham and others are very bad for health. Meat can bring long-term negative effects because is contain many nitrates and salt as a preservative. High content of nitrate and salt can cause high blood pressure and trigger cardio vascular diseases like heart disease and stroke.
Moreover, Anaemia, appendicitis, arthritis, breast cancer, cancer of the colon, cancer of the prostate, constipation, diabetes, gall stones, gout, high blood pressure, indigestion, obesity, piles, strokes and varicose veins are just some of the well known disorders which are more likely to affect big-meat-eaters
Such worries are quite unnecessary.

If you really want to eat meat, keep in mind not to eat meat every day, give your body a break because meat is food that is hard to digest. But meat is still needed for health, especially for children who are in its growth age.

Here’s the good news:

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