Refreshing Coolers for Ramadan

Quick and easy – prepare some of these refreshing thirst quenchers in 5 minutes or less, while plan for others that need more time. Other then the traditional sweet or salted lassi (made with yogurt and water), which is an all time favourite, during the Holy month of Ramadan; there are some who may want a change, every now and then. Here are some simple directions for you to make one or more cooler(s), for ‘Iftar’ or ‘Sehri’, as and when you please.

5 Drinks to Help You Lose Weight

5 Drinks to Help You Lose Weight

The secret to losing weight isn’t just watching what’s on your plate; it’s also about watching what’s in your glass. Popular soft drinks, fruit juices, and energy drinks can be loaded with added sugars and carbohydrates that can sabotage your weight-loss strategy. Here are five tasty ways to drink up without packing … Read more

Low Calorie Raspberry and Mango Smoothie

With only four ingredients, this raspberry and mango smoothie is super fast, especially if you store previously cut-up mango in your refrigerator. It is loaded with vitamin A from the mango, calcium from the yogurt, and is bursting with flavor. Whip one up for a quick breakfast, or serve as a refreshing accompaniment to a summertime meal.

1/2 cup non-fat vanilla yogurt


Summer Delight – Mango

It is one of the most popular and best-loved fruits worldwide. Because of its excellent flavor, attractive fragrance, beautiful shades of color, delicious taste and healthful value, mango is now recognized as one of the best fruit in the world market. Mango has had a prominent position among the commercial … Read more

Ideal summer cooler – Iced Tea

Iced tea was first introduced at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis. Since then, iced tea has become one of the most popular summer drinks. Herbal teas, flavored teas and infused teas have added variety, and in the 1970s sun tea was all the rage, until someone figured out that the sun wasn’t needed at all to turn water and teabags into tea.
Basic Iced Tea Recipe

12 tea bags