Why All Calories Are Not the Same

Why All Calories Are Not the Same

Robert Lustig, MD, explains why all calories are not created equal. Cutting-edge experts say the “calories in, calories out” philosophy is oversimplified and inadequate. Quality of calories determines the quantity your body burns or stores, says Robert Lustig, MD, author of the recently published book Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, … Read more

Shiitake Mushroom combats HIV, cancer & Hepatitis

Early research in the 70s already showed the benefits of shiitake mushroom in lowering cholesterol. Research conducted in Japan identified a specific amino acid in shiitake that helps speed up the processing of cholesterol in the liver. In a 1974 study (reported by Kenneth Jones in “Shiitake Medicine in a … Read more

Foods and beverages to avoid during pregnancy

There are certain foods that should be avoided in pregnancy or eaten with extreme care during the most important time of your life. Try to have some really healthy fast foodsfor pregnant women to avoid junk. Fish DON’T EAT Raw or undercooked fish or shellfish (such as oysters and clams) Fish with high levels of mercury, including shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and … Read more

Nutritional Guidelines in Pregnancy

Eating for Two: Nutritional Guidelines in Pregnancy

When you’re pregnant, your eating habits become more important than ever. They affect your health, the way you feel, and, of course, your baby! Your baby’s organs need the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats to develop properly, so you should pay special attention to your diet. What is … Read more

Simple Dietary Changes to Cut Your Cholesterol

Simple Dietary Changes to Cut Your Cholesterol

You should always take high cholesterol seriously. Even borderline-high cholesterol levels can elevate your risk of serious cardiovascular problems, including chest pain, heart attack and stroke. Before you jump to the use of radical treatments, such as lipid-lowering drugs, talk to your doctor about the benefits of dietary adjustments to … Read more