Luxurious Hand and Nail Lotion

The problem
Don’t be lazy about looking after your hands and nails – it’s a big winter beauty no-no. Our hands are the first victims of the cold and without proper care, they get chapped and rough.
The solution
A magic potion for soft hands and healthy nails.

What you’ll need

100ml Castor oil

Glycerin and Rosewater Lotion

A lotion which I have been using for a very long time. It consists of simple ingredients of glycerin and rosewater. In winter season my hands get dry and no matter what I do nothing helps. I found this homemade lotion recipe without the specific amount of quantity. I have determined the quantity of the ingredients through the years by trial and error.
Here is the recipe:

Glycerin 2tbsp
Rosewater 3tbsp

Herbal Papaya Mask for Oily Skin

Herbal papaya face mask has the ingredients that take good care of oily skin in wintry weather. As oily skin does not dries out in dehydrated breeze therefore the main aim behind the winter face pack is to absorb the excess oil and keep it clean. Oily skin behaves best … Read more