Ways to Raise a Smart Kid

How can you raise a smart kid? Buy the kid books. You don’t, however, have to read them.
That’s the conclusion I drew after reading the results of a new study in the journal Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. The researchers argued that there is a strong correlation between the number of books a family owns and a child’s academic track record.
The researchers went to a lot of effort to document this finding. Over a 20-year period, the study looked at more than 70,000 people in 27 countries.

The 10 Commandments For Good Parenting

Are you constantly searching the latest on parenting to make sure you are doing everything exactly right? It’s time to relax. Temple University psychologist, Laurence Steinberg, says that perfect parents just don’t exist.

“Most parents are pretty good parents,” says Steinberg, “But I’ve never met a parent who is perfect 100 percent of the time. We all can improve our batting average.”

Sports analogies are useful to Steinberg, the concept of the book came from his own desire to improve his golf game. “I was reading, probably for…….