If you have ever looked in your medicine cabinet, pantry, or refrigerator you may have noticed that there are several food or general beauty items that you could actually use for homemade makeup. When you’re in a pinch for a lip stain, eyeshadow, or face powder there is no need to make a mad dash to your local pharmacy. Instead head for your bathroom or your kitchen.
There are several lip staining items lying around your house right now. Four of the best items for staining are beets, kool-aid, Jell-o, and dark colored berries and fruit (such as raspberry, blackberry, and pomegranate). In a pinch you can mash beets and fruits or open a packet of Jell-o or Kool-aid and apply it to your lips by using a Q-tip. For an easier application, you can also mix any of the items with a small amount of petroleum jelly or olive oil. Out of all of the recommendations, using mashed beets will stain your lips the longest because it will stay in place while eating, talking, drinking, etc. Which ever item you decide to try, please remember to watch your teeth when applying it. After all, you don’t want to have berry-stained teeth while at work or on a night out.
The kitchen isn’t the only place you may find ideas for a new lip stain or lip gloss. One peak into your makeup collection may give you several quick ideas for a stand-in lip product. If you are in search of a gloss, then add an eyeshadow to a little dab of petroleum jelly or Vitamin E, mix together, and add to your lips. If you are in a big hurry and can’t find you lipstick, then simply use your favorite blush stick on your lips.
Color isn’t the only thing you can get from items around your home. If you don’t need a lip color, but you can’t find your lip gloss or lip balm then there are easy fixes you can use at home. One of the best lip gloss/balms I have found from at-home products is Vitamin E capsules. If you have these in your home you can poke a small hole in a capsule with a needle and then squeeze a little onto your lips. It gives great moisture, shine, and it’s also healthy to boot. Other items you can try in a pinch are petroleum jelly and several oils such as olive oil and grape seed oil.
When using products around or on your eyes, you need to be careful and not irritate them. Most of us have liquid food dye, but did you know it also comes in a powder form as well? You can find them at various cooking stores and even some major craft stores. If you already have some you can grab a non-scented baby powder, add a dash of your favorite dry food coloring, and mix together until you get the color you want. You can apply this dry or you can mix a little of the powder mixture with a dab of petroleum jelly or Vitamin E, until you get a nice cream eyeshadow. Since the eyes can be such a sensitive area, I would recommend staying clear of using powdered herbs on your eyes unless you are already aware of whether the herb will not irritate your eye area.
If you are fair-skinned and have ever run out of face powder, then you should have thought of grabbing the un-scented baby powder. Baby powder works wonders with many things cosmetic, and using it as a setting powder is one of them. Simply tap a small amount into your palm and then gently press it into your skin with a makeup puff. If you don’t have a puff then you can use cotton balls. Once you apply it, gently buff the remaining powder away so you don’t look chalky. As a side note, you can also use baby powder in your hair to absorb excess oil between shampoos.
Cheek color can also be made at home in a pinch. Remember the beets in the “Lips” section? For a quick and easy cheek color, mix a small amount of mashed beets with petroleum jelly or Vitamin E, and mix until smooth. This will work like some of the famous lip/cheek stains. If you don’t feel like mixing things from the kitchen, then grab a lipstick and dab a few dots on your cheeks, then blend for instant color. If you want a powder blush, simply take a small amount of baby powder, and mix it with some eyeshadow scrapings.
In the End
Any of these ideas can work in a pinch or as an everyday product, so experiment and see what you come up with. Who knows, you may mix something that becomes your new favorite makeup item. Then once you are more comfortable with making your own color, you may want to mix some beautiful gifts for friends and family during special occasions and holidays. Remember, makeup is supposed to be both beautiful and fun, so make sure you enjoy yourself when concocting the next makeup must-have.