eyebrow design to suit most faces

Common eyebrow mistakes, and how to fix them

eyebrow design to suit most faces The goals of eyebrow shaping are to open the eye area, to lighten our overall facial expression, to structure the eyebrow, and to give us a more polished look. Don’t try to produce the “ideal” eyebrow shape; there is no such thing. Every face, and every eyebrow, is unique. Indeed, our eyebrows’ colour, density, and curve will mirror that of our hair. Most importantly, our eyebrows will usually correspond with our other facial features—fine or strong. Destroying this balance will only spoil our look.

Untrimmed eyebrows:

Don’t underestimate the contribution that precise eyebrows can make to your feminine look. Take a large mirror so you can see your entire face, and then clean the eyebrow contour of any stray hairs. You will notice a big difference after this small change.

Over-plucked eyebrows: T

his can occur when you try too hard to copy someone else. Fill in whatever you have left with a soft eyebrow pencil, smudging the line. Try to grow everything back before you reach for the tweezers again.

Comma shape at the base of the eyebrows:

This plucking mistake can happen when the hair at the base of the eyebrow grows upward, while the rest of the brow grows outward, forming a sharp angle that is difficult to smooth out. Fill in the gap with a soft eyebrow pencil. Brush any upward-growing hairs diagonally to cover the angle, and fix them in place with transparent mascara.

Eyebrow arches are too sharp:

This can happen when the angle of your hair growth changes too sharply at the arch, growing downward past the apex. Fill in the gap under the eyebrow. Brush the hairs at the arches outward, and fix them in place with transparent mascara. Consider plucking the upper contour of the eyebrows, but be careful; observe where every bristle falls before removing it.

Eyebrows are not symmetrical:

Normally, your two eyebrows are never exactly the same shape, because the two sides of your face are not identical. However, asymmetrical plucking occurs if you are using a small mirror and don’t take an overall look at your face while shaping your eyebrows. Use a mirror large enough to see your entire face, and try to correct as much as you can with an eyebrow pencil. Only if this doesn’t help should you pluck the thicker eyebrow.

Eyebrow colour clashes with the colour of your hair:

This occurs when you dye your hair five or more shades lighter or darker, or if your hair is turning grey faster than your eyebrows. Also, if you have dark but very sparse eyebrows, the gaps between the hairs will look more pronounced. Tinting or bleaching your eyebrows is easier than dying the hair on your head, so don’t neglect it.

Eyebrow tattoos:

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