we all know Eid is just round the corner and there is no much time for us to beautify ourselves. Here i am sharing with all of you very quick and natural Home remedies which will makes you shiny On Eid day.All you need to do is all below tricks.
Facial Massage
Massage helps the skin to absorb oil and creams easily. It relaxed you it relieves tention . it restores energy to your body by stimulating the blood flow.
Easy steps of massage
Pour a small amount of the blended oil into palm of your hand and gently apply all over the face. Avoid your eyes.
With the backs of your hands , gently tap the skin around the jaw line and under neath the chin to stimulate the skin cells.
Apply small circular movements to the chin area, using your thumbs.This will tone help circulation and eliminate toxinns.
Make an OOOh shaped mouth.massage either side easing out fine lines.
With your fingertips, Press along the top of the cheekbones and massage outward up to the temples to relase toxins.
With the middle fingertips, Apply pressure to points above the bridge of teh nose and and underneath the eyebroes. Hold for 5 seconds and smooth across froom the inner to the outer corners of the eyebrows and continue up to the temples.
To rerelieve tention , apply firm pressure at either side of the temples, and rotate backward.
St rock up the forehead to the hairlines with the palms of the hands, smoothing out fine lines.
For smooth And Shiney Body Beauty Tips
Before taking a bath, brush your body with a natural bristle brush , then massage your body with a mixture of oliv eoil, almond oil, and some coconut oil and essential oils like sandalwood, lavender and pathaoulii then rub your body with a powder of gram flour or wheat.You will see wnders. every day application gives a healthy and nutritious skin.
to moisturize your skin with herbal way Tomato is one of the best moisturizer of the world. It has such elements which gives your skin softness and firmness.
Regular use of tomato makes you fairer and charming just rum half tomato on face and leave it fro 1 hour 30 das application is must to see the better results.
Anti Wrinkle mask
If you are feeling light fine lines and you are worries than not to worry i am sharing with you a very costly home remedy to vanish your fine lines in one month. What you have to do all is Take one egg white and mix half lemons’ juice in it shake it well until it forms a cream. Apply it on regular basis you will wonder to see the results.