Lemon-Agave Age Spot Fighter

Lemon-Agave Age Spot Fighter

Lemon-Agave Age Spot Fighter

Your hands are a dead giveaway of your age, but this scrub can help. Exfoliating your hands lifts off the top layer of dead skin cells, which contains some of the pigment leaving age spots behind.  The rice exfoliates, the agave hydrates, and the lemon helps lighten skin and lift off dead cells.


1/2 cup cooked rice
1 tablespoon agave nectar
1 tablespoon lemon juiceDirections: 
Mix together the above ingredients and blend well. Apply the mixture to dry hands, move the scrub around your hands in circular motions on the backs of your hands with firm but gentle pressure for one to two minutes. You can also rub this rice on the palms of the hands to soften calluses.

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