Summer Skin Care Solutions

Summer Skin Care Solutions

Summer Skin Care SolutionsThe sweaty heat, the scorching sun and the rising pollution is all set to kill your skin natural beauty. Summer demands extra attention to health, diet and skin. Lack of attention may lead to dark skin, wrinkles, pimples etc. To avoid all of it and to make your skin shine even under the bright sun, lets look some summer skin care tips –

1.The first and foremost summer problem, oily skin. As humidity enhances oil production, it becomes the reason for several summer problems. Summer skin care for excessive oily skin is to regularly use clay masks. Clay masks help to control the oil production and is a good scrub for skin cleansing.

2.Chicken skin is yet another common summer problem and the summer skin care tips for this is to rub ice on the area. Chicken skin is a dry patch which tend to wrinkle and red bumps appear on the area. It happens due to excessive body heat. Rubbing ice not only balances the heat but also cures the rashes.

3.The next requirement for summer skin care is scrubs. It’s best to use a scrub which contains jojoba. It not only cleanses the skin but also repairs the damaged cells.

4.the ususal aftermath of sunburns is skin peeling. Use the right scrub to keep skin peeling at bay. Use aloe vera to mainatin the skin moisture, a pack of yogurt and honey also prove to be beneficial. Read more on skin peeling.

5.Tanning needless to say is an universal summer problems. One good solution for it is to use natural bleach, like tomato, honey, lemon etc. Read more skin tanning remedies.

If you too are facing these problems try these summer skin care for a complete solution and to prevent further harm.


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