HSY: Fashion Guru of the East

Fashion Guru of the EastHassan Sheheryar Yasin is your typical Scorpio, determined, magnetic and brainy with a wide gamut of hidden talents. He talks a mile-a-minute and can speak on an array of topics from politics to art to movies, all with equal passion and conviction.

Choreographer, fashion designer and event coordinator, he wowed Bridal Asia this past summer and recently participated in the Prague Fashion Week where he was hailed by international reporters as the “Fashion Guru of the East.” His career continues to go from strength to strength as the designer is just opening his HSY Studio boutique in Lahore which features prêt-a-porter and haute couture as well as event management facilities.

In celebration of his ten-year anniversary in the fashion industry, the 28-year-old choreographer-designer met with Fashion Collection to share his goals, his dreams and his views on the fashion industry.

Ten years in the industry and you are only 28! How does this achievement make you feel?
It’s thrilling! I have never wanted to do anything more than design and be some part of the world of fashion. It doesn’t even seem like ten years really. I still have so much more to do and learn, but the process has been amazing. So much has changed during the last 10 years in the Pakistani fashion scene and its nice to be a part of it.

How did you get started in your career?
I began as a fashion choreographer and have loved it ever since I started. I have a passion for music and anything that involves that; I try to be a part of. I can’t design without music either. I have directed many fashion events but have also dabbled in music videos and motion films ( I won three national awards for that last year). I was in my second year of fashion school when I decided that I wanted to do more than choreograph, I wanted to design as well. Since then, my whole perspective to fashion school changed. I have done some television work as well and am currently working on a new TV show about … fashion!

What does fashion mean to you?
Hassan Shehreyar Yasin
Fashion is the summary of a few basic elements, which, following the natural laws of good taste, never change. The fashion world, in recent years, has looked like a mad carousel of shocking images that mainly propose how to strip rather than dress the human body. Thus, fashion for me is like landing in the peaceful eye of a typhoon, into the perfect calm, into a style that cannot be shaken by the winds of sensationalism.

What is your personal dream for your career?
To be able to assist in making the phrase “made in Pakistan” matter in the world of fashion.

You have recently teamed up with lycra? Do you plan to do more such collaborations?
Definitely, I’m already working on a few projects with designers in both London and New York and so far the experience has been amazing. Collaboration are a great source of learning as well as broadening your base in the field of fashion. One finds a new direction use your creative skills which otherwise get overlooked and besides, it gives me an opportunity to work with other people.

What is the secret of your success?
My mother. She runs the production at HSY and I think it’s her love and care and her immense attention to detail that makes our clothes what they are today.

Has your life changed after your success & how?

It hasn’t changed much; I just have less time than I did before. I love my work thus I think my life has become better because of it.

Are you designs a reflection of your own personality?

I think that’s true for all designers. What you create is a reflection of who you are at that moment in time.

What is your favorite part of being a designer?
I love every aspect of it! I love the designing part where you have the option of turning a line into any shape you desire. The production part is great fun too. To see your vision realized in reality is thrilling. Seeing it on a body is what’s its all about but I think the best reward is when someone appreciates your efforts at the end of the road. I love that part!

What is your design philosophy?
Hassan Shehreyar Yasin
Pure, clean cut, linear.

How do you see your role as a designer?

I think all designers sell an image. This image effects the way people look at us and at those who choose to wear what we make. Thus, we should pay great attention to whatever it is that we are selling for it say volumes about us as individuals and as a collective society.

What is your vision of an ideal fashion industry in Pakistan?
An ideal fashion industry in Pakistan is that in which I fell we choose to work with our strongest points and put it out in the world. We can compete and conquer the world with our artistic sense, creativity, and our superior artisans who can add value to the products that we are currently selling in the world. That’s they way to get our designs out in the world. The fashion industry, before anything else, needs to unify and strive fro the same goal; to put Pakistan on the map.

Can we achieve this? Why or why not? How?
We can achieve this. We have the talent and the know-how. All we need is to focus on relevant issues like product development, relevant marketing and fashion week to expose the world of our collective talent.

Who is your favorite designer & why?
Giorgio Armani. What makes him the premier designer of our time is his extraordinary ability to combine style texture, cut, and color. Like all great artists, he makes elegance look easy.

What is your motto in life?

Live it now! This isn’t a dress rehearsal.

Outside of fashion what do you like to do?Hassan Shehreyar Yasin
I love listening to music !!!

What about you would people be surprised to learn?
That I love desi food !!!

Are you social or are you quiet?
I love to talk. I was the president of my debating team through out school and college. You can get me to talk anytime.

Who is your target client?
Anyone who feels that timeless elegance and classic grace is important to them. A woman who thinks that she should be complimented by her clothing, not overpowered by it.

What do you like best about fashion shows?
I especially love catwalk shows. That is my favorite part of designing. To see your whole collection together on stage. Nothing like it!

What has been your most rewarding moment so far?

To be able to give my mother what she has wanted or needed.

Are you a delegator or very hand-on?

I am a control freak. I have to make sure that I know what is going on in every level of the production!

Do you see yourself as always a designer or do you have plans to expand into other areas – you obviously are multi-talented?
I plan to expand in many areas of fashion and beyond but all in good time.

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