If you are one of the many who have dark under eye problems, there are now various techniques to cover them up through the use of eye concealer for dark circles.
What causes dark undereye circles in women, anyway? Well, there are many causes and these may differ from one person to another. They can be caused by stress, poor blood circulation, fatigue, extra thin skin under your eyes, hereditary factors, hyper-pigmentation, allergies, or even illness.
We know how hard it is to deal with dark undereyes. There are laser treatments to permanently rid of them, but these methods can be very costly. There are home made remedies as well, but these are yet proven to be sure fire ways of treating those circles. So, for the meantime, you may want to resort to cover-up make-up tactics.
How to use concealer to cover up dark under eyes
Here are some ideas for you to know exactly how to apply concealer on those dark circles:
1. If your circles are recessed, you should choose a concealer that is one shade lighter than your foundation. If they are puffy, use a tad darker. You should choose one that provides good coverage and light texture. Also, you must take note that yellow concealers are good for covering up bluish or greyish circles, while a mauve or light blue concealer can mask brown eye bags.
2. You should start with a clean face, and then apply a thin layer of your foundation. You can actually apply your concealer under or over your foundation, but doing this will prevent you from putting too much concealer.
3. Dab some concealer under your eyes in gently, soft circular motion. With your fingers, move from the outside corner of the eye then back again.
4. Apply another layer of foundation up to the under eye area then blend the two gently and thoroughly.
5. Finish everything up by dusting on some face powder for a great finish.
The Best Under Eye Concealer
What is the best undereye concealer for dark circles?
Concealer cosmetics guides and best concealer reviews have rendered these seven cosmetics as the best undereye concealers in the market today:
Clé de Peau Beauté Concealer
This eye concealer for dark circles by Shiseido Cosmetics is favoured by majority of makeup artists all around the world. A tiny dot of
this creamy concealer stick goes a very long way to covering up dark circles.
Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer
This is one of the
best under eye concealers
in the market right now. It has a moist, creamy formula so that it will not highlight the wrinkles and fine lines that are present in the area. This is a good eye concealer for women in their 40’s with dark circles.
Sue Devitt Automatic Camouflage
The yellow and peach-tone concealer by Sue Devitt works very well in making dark circles under the eyes.
YSL’s Touche Eclat
This is the world’s most popular concealer; one of these is sold almost every 20 seconds. This also provide good coverage for dark eye bags.
Of course, what we presented are only ways for covering up those dark under eyes. They are not permanent solutions to your problem, but they really do work well.