Health and Beauty Bath

Health and Beauty Bath

When you think of the Queen of Egypt, do you picture her in your mind with porcelain looking skin, perfect in every way? Well, she had a beautysecret, this was her health and beauty bath treatments of milk and honey,which are both still used today.

The main ingredient is the Milk, which is high in lactic acid. Lactic acid is an exfoliant for the skin. Have you heard of alpha hydroxy acid, well,this is lactic acid in milk, and this helps to clean the deepest layers of your skin.

Honey is known for its great health benefits. There is first the glucose and fructose sugars that work as a very gentle alpha hydroxyl acid, then it is also made up of minerals and vitamins that will nourish as well as healyour skin. There are also very important phytochemicals that work to kill bacteria, fungus, and viruses. Honey is also a natural anti-inflammatory which heals the skin quickly. This makes a great dressing for wounds,cuts, and scratches.

Some great ways to enjoy milk and honey in your health and beauty bath are:

Honey and Milk Bath

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