UK Pakistani Singer Lands Album Deal

NINE years ago, Huddersfield singer Naveed Yasin began a study of music that has taken him all over the world. Now, his hard work has paid off and he’s landed a record deal with Manchester-based bhangra label Supreme Dream Records. Naveed, 20, goes under the moniker NAV which stands for … Read more

Inspired British Calligrapher’s Work on Display in Lahore

The media in the West has been carrying negative propaganda when it comes to foreigners’ safety in Pakistan, but people here are really friendly, said Ewan Clayton, a calligrapher and a professor of art, design, media and culture. Clayton was talking to Daily Times at a reception hosted by Pakistan … Read more

Miles to go…

Lollywood is a rough place to be in, especially if you are looking for a quick break. But once every while one comes across a success story that defies the rules of the film industry. Actor Shamyl Khan is one such example. It’s almost unheard of for a newcomer to … Read more