Many foods contain potassium, especially fresh fruits, and is essential for human life. It’s a mineral with the chemical element symbol of K. Potassium wears many hats when it comes to functions within the body.
Consider the following.
Potassium can help lower your blood pressure. This is because the mineral causes the kidneys to excrete excess sodium, lowering overall sodium levels and thereby lowering blood pressure.
It is an electrolyte, which means that it helps your cells maintain fluid balance.
Potassium also acts as a blood buffer by maintaining pH and acid levels. This also prevents the loss of calcium and phosphorus, two important minerals for bone health.
Consuming potassium-rich foods reduces your risk of developing kidney stones, as the mineral helps the kidneys excrete citrate, which binds with calcium to form stones.
A potassium-rich diet will prevent leg cramps and other muscle spasms. This is because of the role that potassium plays with muscle contraction and nerve impulses all over the body, including the heart.
Too little potassium can cause a variety of health problems, including leg cramps, muscle weakness, irregular heartbeats, and in serious cases, paralysis.
Sources of Potassium