Sajid Nadiadwala has signed Deepika Padukone opposite Akshay Kumar for his next film ‘Houseful’ to be directed by Sajid Khan. “The film will have Riteish Deshmukh, another hero and two more heroines. It’s a romantic comedy. Deepika Padukone and Sajid (Khan) met in Bangkok. She loved the story and said yes.”
This will be Deepika’s first full fledged comedy film. After working with sister Farha Khan’s ‘Om Shanti Om’ she will be now in Sajid Khan’s ‘Houseful’. Deepika says, “The film is a comedy flick and this is the first time I will be doing something very different. I don’t know how I will manage. I will try my best. Sajid has a great sense of humour and I will go by his vision. Besides, if my director has so much confidence in me, then I just cannot let him down.”
Meanwhile producer Sajid Nadiadwala is completing his next venture ‘Kambakkht Ishq’ being directed by Shabbir Khan. Sajid has also signed director Siddharth Anand to direct venture starring Saif Ali Khan, Ranbir Kapoor with Deepika more or less final for it as well. It is reportedly a remake of Oscar winner ‘The Departed’.