Gift ideas for Mother’s Day

It’s almost Mother’s Day so I thought I’d share some fun gift ideas for anyone to give to the special mother in their life. I am blessed enough to have two mothers now.

One I’ve known since birth and the other feels more like a real mother rather than a mother-in-law. Both are wonderful women with different strengths who have done their best to be good examples and I’m so grateful for them both!

Gift ideas for Mother’s Day

  1. Some Nice Jewelry. How about a bracelet from Tiffany? Or a Mom necklace with the names of their children. I know a few people who have charm bracelets with the name of each of their children and grandchildren on them. They’re so beautiful and mean so much. And feel free to get creative with this one. One year my we got a ring sized that my mother inherited from her late mother. Now she’s able to wear it and it reminds her of us and her mother.
  2. A Spa Gift Card. Mom’s always can use a little bit of relaxing. Manicure, pedicure, massage.
  3. Treat Her To Lunch! Just once, let her not have to cook for you. We all know she’s good at it, but she needs a break!
  4. Bring Her Breakfast In Bed. One year we did this for my mom and I think it was hard for her to stay in bed while we were banging pots and pans around in the kitchen, but I think she really appreciated it.
  5. A New Purse. Brighton, Coach, or just something fun from Target!
  6. A Sweet Framed Photo of the Two of You! What mother wouldn’t love that?
  7. Write Her A Lettter Telling Her Why You’re Grateful She’s Your Mom.
  8. Flowers Are Always A Good Idea! Fresh cut or something for her garden perhaps? Check Mothers Day Flower Arrangement Ideas.
  9. Gift Card to their favorite clothing store. This is always a good gift and maybe you can even go shopping with them! Then it’s two gifts in one!
  10. Check how to celebrate Mothers Day.

Have any other suggestions? What are you doing special for your mom on this Mothers Day?

By Linda Lotich

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