How to get a Perfect Body?

Want to own a Perfect Body? Those curvy calves, buffy arms, tighter tummy, shapely shoulders and slender legs can be yours with some simple exercises. Add them to your routine three or four times a week to see results in less than a month.

Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and your toes turned out. Bend your knees and lower you body unit your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Lift both heels off the floor. Then, without allowing your heels to touch the floor, straighten up. Slowly return to the staring position. Do two sets of 10.

Stand holding on eight-pound weight in each hand, palms facing forward. Keeping your elbows by your sides, lift both weights until your forearms are parallel is the floor. Then, extend your arms straight out in front of you(as though you were serving a platter).Return your arms to the bent position, Slowing return to the starting position. DO two sets to 10.

Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Use your stomach muscles to raise your neck and shoulders off the floor and lift your legs straight out in front of you until they raise your neck and shoulders off the floor and lift your legs straight out in front you until they are at a 45-degree angle to the floor. Turn your toes out. As quickly as you can. Cross you right leg over your left leg, then your left leg over right leg. Repeat for at least 30 seconds.

Stand holding on eight-pound weight in each hand, palms towards your body. Extend both arms straight out in front of you until they’re shoulder-height, then return to the staring position. Next, still holding the weights, put your arms behind you and place your knuckles on your butt, keeping your arms slightly bent. With a straight back, lift your arms behind you until you feel a stretch across your chest. Slowly return to the staring position .Try two sets of 10.


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