Plants That Flourish Inside the House

houseplantsPlants help to balance nature and play a vital role in our environment. Indoor plants have multi-purpose functions – they are not only good decorative pieces that add beauty to the home, they also help to defuse noise pollution, absorb harmful toxins in the air, spread tranquility and peace to the surroundings, and facilitate to clean the atmosphere by absorbing carbon dioxide and emitting oxygen.

All in-house plants need to be protected from harsh sunlight, dark rooms and draft (gust of wind). Sometimes plants tend to die indoors despite all the appropriate measures taken to help them thrive. This is because a number of plants are not meant for in-door use, and will eventually die if they remain inside the house. There are certain types of plants that do well ‘in and out-doors’ while some are best suited in their natural surrounding.

Here are types of popular house plants best suited for home décor.

Windows, balconies and patio: Assorted flowers like daisies, iris, chrysanthemums, morning glory, gerberas, impatiens, petunias, sweet alyssum, geraniums and money plant bloom well in window boxes, hanging baskets in the balcony and claypots in the patio.

Entrance and corridors: Cane or ceramic containers hold these hardy and resilient plants like the fan and rubber palms, pink frangipani and variety of bamboo species that make a good backdrop in the foyer.

Family room: A place to relax calls for a soothing environment that requires foliage like Philodendrons (place on high stand as plant contains toxin but these are excellent air purifiers), Peace Lily and Boston fern and Coleus make ideal potted plants for the TV lounge or family room.

Living room: Dendrobium (common orchid), Poinsettia (Christmas flower), Easter Lily & Arum Lily, and Bonsai plants make good items of décor for the living room in handcrafted ethnic containers or brass bowls.

Kitchen: Small herbal plants exude fragrance to the room like basil, coriander, mint, and even lemon grass; suitable to plant in square boxes or regular clay pots.


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