Hair dry, brittle and breaking??? It’s the winter dry hair and there are a number of things that could be causing it. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to prevent the drying effects of winter on the hair,
Have you noticed lately that your hair is a bit dryer than it was a month or two ago? It may be a little dull, brittle, ends splitting and just plain dry. There are a number of things that could be the cause of it, but, the number one thing is probably the fact that it’s winter. Two factors of the winter effect – one, when you are outside, the winter air is taking it’s toll, and when you are on the inside, the heating system is drying your hair out.
There are, also, other things that could be drying out your hair; your pillowcase and your diet. To start immediately reversing the effects of winter on your hair:
Wear a hat when outside.
When inside, wear a scarf to protect the hair from the heat.
Wrap your hair at night to keep the pillowcase from drying it out.
Watch your diet. Try taking Vitamin E capsules. Eat more leafy green vegetables and nuts.
Avoid using hair dryers and curling irons.
Next time you wash your hair, give your hair a treat by cracking an egg in a cup along with your favorite conditioner; mix it well and distribute it throughout your hair. Place a plastic cap on your head and wrap it in a towel. Leave it on for about 30 minutes, then, rinse and shampoo. Condition and style as usual. Use a leave-in conditioner between washings.
Another home remedy to use is a cup of mayonnaise left on the hair for 30 minutes, then, washed out. You can, also, use coconut oil and regular olive oil, not extra virgin, on your hair to help prevent drying; then, wash it out. Give yourself regular hot oil treatments during the winter.
The winter drying effects not only the hair, but, the skin as well. Take extra precautions when you go outside, by protecting your skin and face. Rub a small dab of coconut oil, olive oil or aloe vera in the palm of your hands and wipe it through your hair and on your face before you go out.