Beauty products

Is it Time To Change Your Beauty Care Products?

Beauty productsShould you use the same beauty products in the winter as you would in the summer? Well, when the seasons change, so should your beauty care.

You no longer want to use the summer pink lip gloss or the foundation that gives you that tan look. It is time to make some changes, not only in your makeup, but in your hair and skin care too.

You have fairer skin in the winter because you are not spending so much time in the sun. This is true even if you hit the tanning salons, you will notice your skin will be lighter than in the summer months. You will also notice your skin a bit drier as well as your hair and scalp. This alone will require some change in beauty care products.

Because there are so many beauty care products on the market, choosing the right ones for you can be a very puzzling task. You have a huge variety of hair care products; make up, skin care, and perfumes. When you are making your decision, you do not want to choose the most popular, but a product that meets your personal needs.

What beauty care products should you change?

1. Foundation-Never use the same foundation you have been using all summer in the winter. Look for a color that is close to your neck color. Do not go with one that is too dark, this is a big mistake so many women make.

2. Color – Use a lighter, less intense blush. You are no longer going for that bronzed look, but more of a paler, pink look. You may use a carefully chosen bronzing powder to dust ever so lightly across your nose, cheeks, and forehead. This can add just a bit of color to your pale winter face.

3. Moisturizers -Use a heavier moisturizer during the winter, the heat in your homes, as well as the cold weather tend to dry out your skin drastically. You will notice it in your hair as well. Go with a shampoo with moisturizers as well as a good conditioner.

Beauty care products are a woman’s best friend, if you use them wisely, then you will reap the benefits with healthier looking skin and hair.


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