As women grow older, they tend to turn to makeup to help them hide those extra years. Makeup can help you look much younger, but there is a fine line between looking younger and looking like you are trying to appear younger. Applying your beauty products in the right ways can assist you in shedding years almost instantly, but you will have to avoid the common mistakes that women make every day that only seem to add to the years.
Good Skin Care Routines: The Secret to Looking Young
Before you consider the ways in which you can use makeup to appear younger and more vibrant, you will need to concentrate on good, healthy skin care routines that need to be followed each day. Following a good skin care routine will help you to turn back the clock so that you do not have to completely rely on plying your face with makeup to achieve the same effect.
A good skin care routine consists of cleansing and moisturizing the face, hands and neck each day. Only once the skin has been moisturized, should you begin applying your makeup. After the makeup has been applied, you can then use a light powder on your face to lock the moisture in and ensure that your face does not get that oily or shiny appearance that brings out the wrinkles in your face.
Natural Colors VS Bright, Bold Colors
Bright, bold cosmetics, such as lipsticks and eye shadows might be appealing, especially when you see them in their little jars, but they are your worst enemy when it comes to looking younger. Bright colors tend to accentuate a womans age, and they simply do not look good. Natural, earthy tones are perfect for lips, eyes and cheeks, and sticking to these will help you look so much younger when applied in the right way.
Applying your Eye Makeup
When you are purchasing your cosmetics, especially eye liners and eye brow pencils, you might immediately go for the dark colors, such as black, but this is a mistake. Harsh, unnatural colors tend to make you look much older, so stick to the browns and you will accomplish what you are looking for; a much younger face.
Rouge and the Rosy Cheeks of a Much Younger Woman
Out of all of the beauty products on the market, rouge is the most difficult makeup product to get right, and this not only applies to buying the right product, but also applying it. Sparkly or shimmering rouge might seem like a good idea, but it is not. In fact, the more unnatural the rouge looks, the older it will make you look. Stick to the natural tones and apply the rouge in the same areas where the sun would color your face; this will give you a young, glowing appearance. Be careful about applying too much; it should accentuate your cheekbones, not become the focus of attention when you leave the house.
Applying Just the Right Amount of Makeup
As women grow older, they tend to wear more makeup to hide the fact that their skin is aging. Not only is this bad for your skin, but it will only end up making you look older than you actually are. Makeup should be used to enhance the way you look, not alter it entirely, so do not overdo it when it comes to applying your makeup; subtlety will always be much more effective.