Blouse styles for a larger waist

Several women are not blessed with a flat waist and find it difficult to shop for blouses; they don’t want to draw attention to the waist area.  If you are one of these women, oversized tops are not the answer; they will only make you look large. Empire tops, small vertical … Read more

The Art of Spending Wisely On New Clothes

With the advent of Eid-ul-Fitr not far away, the auspicious occasion calls for new clothes; children and adults look forward to celebrating the festival with new ‘joras’ or outfits to wear at Eid parties or family gatherings. A buying spree may have to be curtailed for some, in light of the current economic meltdown and spiraling prices; cash flow is hard to come by, and the innate desire to buy that ‘striking new print’ or that ‘perfect prêt-a- porter outfit’ may not always be possible, more so since you…..