Dyeing your hair

Dyeing your hair

Dyeing your hairWomen have been dyeing their hair for centuries. It’s now even easier than ever to change or retain your hair color. However, the hair dyeing process isn’t without its potential pitfalls.

So to keep you on the straight and narrow, we’ve outlined some of the key points to remember…

Hair dye

If you’re dyeing your hair for the first time, it’s safer to start with a semi permanent color which will wash out after a few washes.Hundreds of women jump into hair dye with both feet and are left with no option but to wait for the embarrassing results to grow out.

Home dyeing preparation
Although home hair dye kits are very easy to use, you should still take care to keep the dye on your hair and nowhere else.So always wear gloves when dyeing your hair and wrap an old towel around your shoulders. You should also smear a little Vaseline around your hairline to prevent changing your skin colour as well as that of your hair.

Hiding Grey Hair

Most women reach for hair dye only when they begin to see grey hair. There’s no escaping the fact that grey hair makes us look older so it’s understandable why we want to cover it up.If your hair is less than twenty percent grey, it’s best to use a semi-permanent color that is one shade lighter than your natural color to allow the grey to blend right in.

If your hair is more grey, permanent dye is really the only way to completely cover the unwanted colour.But remember, subtlety is the key. Jet black, brilliant blonde or any other solid colour can look awful on women of a certain age.

Fixing mistakes

If you’re not happy with your new hair colour, don’t sit at home in a state of depression. Get down to the hairdressers where they have a variety of techniques to fix colour cock-ups.

Treat Your Colour Well

Considering the money you’ve spent, it makes sense to use the right products on your new hair colour. Use a color-enhancing shampoo and conditioner which deposits tiny amounts of colour onto your hair, therefore making you look great for longer.

Root Touch-up

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