Restaurants partcipating in Earth Hour 2011 in Karachi

Restaurants partcipating in Earth Hour 2011 in Karachi

WWF-Pakistan for the for the first time has received such overwhelming response from the Hospitality Sector for Earth Hour 2011. Below is the list of Hotels, cafe and Restaurants partcipating in EH 2011 in Karachi. All the activities have been designed by the Restaurants and Hotels including, distribution of free deserts, sweets, saplings.etc.
1. BBQ Tonight
Switch off the main lights

WWF Singapore Seafood Guide

Singapore is one of the biggest seafood consumers in Asia-Pacific with an average of 100,000 tonnes of seafood consumed each year. As such Singapore has an important role to play in the conservation and sustainability of marine resources. The pocket-sized WWF Singapore Seafood Guide gives Singaporeans information about making sustainable … Read more