As with any habit (good or bad), the sooner good study habits are developed, the better they will stick. It’s never too early to introduce your child to positive study habits, which will reward his or her efforts throughout school and life.
1. Be a good role model.
If you sometimes bring work home with you or you’re taking a course yourself, your child will learn your habits. Make ’em good!
2. Help your child organize things.
For example, the protractor and compass belong in the math binder, sheet music in the violin case.
3.Help him or her organize space.
The kitchen table is for eating; your child’s desk is for studying.
4.Help your child organize time.
Establish a routine for completing schoolwork. It doesn’t have to be the minute your child walks in the door; just agree on a set time and stick to it.
5.Minimize distractions.
Thirteen-year-old wisdom notwithstanding, geometric proofs are not better retained when learned concurrently with loud music, “South Park” and a telephone receiver at one ear.
6.Check your child’s work.
Every night is unnecessary, but check it often enough that he or she knows you might – and that you care.
7.Insist that sloppy or careless work be redone, but don’t correct errors;
teachers need to know what students don’t know.
8.Give praise whenever possible and appropriate.