Pumpkin Cake for halloween

Pumpkin Cake To close the night of Halloween

One week for Halloween and I’m sure you have everything planned to sweeten your kids and all the neighborhood who come to ask you for candy.
But for the grand finale after your children become exhausted and radiant running through the streets in search of candy, prepare this rich and easy pumpkin cake to share with the whole family.

Rejuvenating Pumpkin Mask for All Skin Types

Rejuvenating Pumpkin Mask for All Skin Types

This recipe is adapted from one I got from Vogue. It is created by facialist Chanel Jenae of Santa Monica. In the article, Jenae says pumpkin is loaded with natural exfoliating acids and antioxidants. She uses pumpkin pulp in her facial peels at her salon “to brighten, calm breakouts, and soften the appearance of fine lines and sun damage.”
Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes