How To Make Homemade Jewelry

Jewelry is all about creativity and when you are looking to get creative with your jewelry without really putting in too much effort, a pair of earrings is the way to go!
You can begin putting your earrings together by first picking out the right beads and the right color. The design and size of the beads totally depends on your personal sense of fashion, as does the color of the beads.

Hand Sanitizer- learn how to make it yourself

Cold and flu season is in full swing, and with H1N1 running around all over the place, taking a few extra precautions to keep germs at bay is never a bad thing. I’m not saying you need to bathe yourself and your kids in hand sanitizer every few minutes. Washing … Read more

Things to remember while making homemade creams and lotions

When making your own hand creams and hand lotions, remember these tips: If going preservative-free…. It’s important to remember that your natural products will not stay fresh for as long as commercial products do. By making your products in small batches that you use up within a short period of … Read more

Homemade Moisturizers for a beautiful skin

Moisturizer is a lotion, which keeps the skin moisturized, supple and smooth. It also helps to remove makeup from skin. Moisturizer is an essential for any type of skin and for protecting the upper layer of skin from air.  There are many moisturizers available in the market. But there are … Read more