How To Get Rid of Blackheads And Whiteheads

Over 85% of the teens and young adults in the world suffer with some type of acne, with a large percentage also carrying on their skin problems well into adulthood.
In fact, acne is the most commonly physician treated disease. To keep things simple, most dermatologists classify acne into two groups: blackheads/whiteheads (comedowns) and red bumps. Each type is treated much differently from the other. Blackheads are the most commonly seen types, as they are often more numerous on the face

Facial Mask Recipes for every skin type

Have you ever calculate how much money you have spent for beauty purpose in a month or a year? $200? $500? or maybe $1000 or more? Maybe it’s time for you to stop wasting too much money by trying some cheaper beauty products which also will bring you the same … Read more

Onions and Beauty

Onions are known for their strong scent and for making those who have to cut them tear up. However, there are many other beneficial uses of onions. Onions contain sulfur, an essential mineral for hair and skin maintenance. Sulfur is especially helpful in controlling oily skin. Onions in general are … Read more