Herbal Papaya Mask for Oily Skin

Herbal papaya face mask has the ingredients that take good care of oily skin in wintry weather. As oily skin does not dries out in dehydrated breeze therefore the main aim behind the winter face pack is to absorb the excess oil and keep it clean. Oily skin behaves best … Read more

Herbal way to remove unwanted hair

Unwanted hair can be a nuisance. Many women, and even some men, prefer to remove hair from under their eyebrows, armpits and bikini area. As women age, they find thicker hair growing on their chins, and most women will tweeze, wax or use a chemical depilatory to remove it. You … Read more

Brown Sugar Body Scrub

Using a body scrub once a week is a great way to slough off dead skin cells. Dead skin cells give your skin a dry, old appearance and can make you itch, especially in the winter months. This brown sugar body scrub is easy and inexpensive to make and will help your skin feel young and smooth.

Instructions to make body scrub:
Things You’ll Need:

Homemade Moisturizers for a beautiful skin

Moisturizer is a lotion, which keeps the skin moisturized, supple and smooth. It also helps to remove makeup from skin. Moisturizer is an essential for any type of skin and for protecting the upper layer of skin from air.  There are many moisturizers available in the market. But there are … Read more

Skin Care

Some Beauty Ingredients you should know

There are some beauty ingredients that you can found in your kitchen and garden. They really help you retain your beauty naturally. The main ingredients and their benefits in different beauty recipes are given below.

1. Aloe gel: Remedy for burns.

2. Avocado: good source of vitamin E and natural oils, natural moisturizer.

3. Coconut Milk: for smooth skin.

4. Cucumber: for dark circles under eyes and wrinkles, under-eye puffiness.

5. Egg: skin conditioner, egg white for normal and oily skin, yolks for dry skin

6. Fenugreek seeds (dana methi): for skin scrub, if taken internally purifies blood.

7. Honey: for wrinkles, skins pores and lose skin, a natural astringent, natural moisturizer.

Face Scrubs

Bran, gramflour and oatmeal are a few of the ingredients that hold the key to a glowing, well scrubbed complexion. Our grandmothers swore by the exfoliating properties of chokar (wheat husk) mixed in malai that sticks to the bottom of the pan after the milk is heated. The scrub was … Read more