Suggestions for Cleansing and Detoxing Our Bodies

Suggestions for Cleansing and Detoxing Our Bodies

There are countless ways to cleanse, but here is just a sampling of ideas to consider: 1) Digestive Cleansing One of the most comprehensive ways to rid the body of the accumulated junk (mucous and build-up) in our digestive track. Digestive cleanses may involve fasting, wheatgrass juice, or juicing, cayenne … Read more

Homemade body lotions

The simplest homemade body lotion is an old favorite –
Rosewater and Glycerin Lotion
1-1/2 c distilled water
3 tsp rose oil
1/3 c glycerin
(both the glycerin and rose oil can be obtained at most pharmacies but if they do not have rose oil you can substitute 1-2/3 c of “rose water”for the water and rose oil in the formula)