Diet during Ramadan

Diet during Ramadan

Diet during Ramadan should not differ much from a normal healthy, balanced diet and should be as simple as possible. Usually, most health problems at this time are likely to arise from inappropriate diet or as a consequence of over-eating and insufficient sleep.

The dietary guidelines based on variety, moderation and balance holds true during Ramadan as well. A balanced diet improves blood cholesterol profile, reduces gastric acidity, prevents constipation and other digestive problems, and contributes to an active and healthy lifestyle.
Meal plan

Your meal plan should include:

Bread/ Cereal/ Rice, Pasta Group – 6-11 servings/ day

Meal Plan for Soup Diet

Meal Plan for Soup Diet to lose 10lbs in 10 days

Breakfast: This doesn’t necessarily have to be soup but if you really want to see results then opt for a variation of either: • Gazpacho-Style Soup • Very Quick Tomato Soup • Light Chicken Soup • Chinese Little Gem & Chicken/Tofu Soup Mid morning/ Early-lunch snack: Have a bowl or mug of … Read more