Anti oxidant
Best Antioxidant Foods
Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals by getting rid of them before they cause any damage. Antioxidants are known to reduce blood pressure, prevent heart disease and cancer and also slow down the processes of ageing. There are some antioxidants the body is capable of synthesizing from its own … Read more
Popcorns can fight cancer
Munching on popcorn during movies may be healthier than you think. New research says the popular snack food can actually help prevent cancer, according to a study led by Dr. Joe Vinson of the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania.
The chemist and his team of scientists found that popcorn contains surprisingly large levels of antioxidants called poly phenols, which help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and other diseases.
Less than 100 Calorie Snacks
Snacks play a major role for everyone who wants to have a healthy balanced diet. Practically, a quick snack helps keep the energy level and, what’s more important, can keep you from eating too much at one meal. But you need to pay attention to what snack you choose. Fruits, … Read more
Essential Vitamins for Balanced Diet
We recommend a balanced diet, consuming fruits both fresh vegetables, eggs, meat and fish, because that way you can get the necessary amounts of all vitamins, and improve eye health. Meet the most important vitamins for maintaining good eye health.
1. Vitamin A – Retinol and beta-carotene
Vitamin A has two natural sources: retinol, from the animal kingdom, and beta-carotene from the vegetable kingdom. Matches all who say that carrots
Chocolate Mask- Its yummy for your skin
This chocolate facial mask is a guilt free form of having chocolate. It really does leave your skin feeling smooth and nourished. All you need is four ingredients and yes I do actually use this myself. The oats act as a gentle exfoliate so try and get them as fine … Read more